- Integration of information and communication technology, chemical engineering, material science, optoelectronics and biochemistry industries in Taiwan.

Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Preprocessing
- Biochemically-modified/coated particles
- Synthesized using FeCl2 and FeCl3
- Hydrophobic and hydrophilic groups
Magtrap Capture and Pyrolysis Technique

- Value up current general PCR system
- EZ concentration
- Rapid sample preprocessing

Integrated Optoelectronics Chip
- Easy operation
- Small-sized; easy for storage
- Focusing and concentrated light effect
- High precision control
- One step sample to data

Testing Reagents
- Room temperature storage and transportation
- Lyophilization technique
- One-step RT-PCR
Point-of-Care Testing (POCT) Reader

- Digital signal processor (DSP) monolithic integration touch screen
- Precision optics and quantitative analysis of Ct values
- Cloud enabled